Contact Us

Gym Phone: 520-623-3904
Coach Kevin: 520-271-1445
Coach Anna: 520-850-5218
General Email:

119 E Toole Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701

The easiest way to get to Playformance is to take Speedway or 6th Street to Stone and head south into downtown. You will go under the railroad tracks and come back up at the intersection of Stone and Toole. Turn left on Toole, and Playformance is one block down on the left.

There is a pay lot directly adjacent to Playformance on the east side of the building. The parking is $3 for the day and you can streamline your parking process by downloading the GoTucson downtown parking app ahead of time and creating an account. All the metered parking along the street is free on the weekends. There are MANY other lots and spaces very close to Playformance. Here is a map of all the downtown parking!


Have a PLAYFUL day. 

If you if you have a special request or inquiry that we can help you with, please fill out the form and we'll get back with you in as soon as possible.